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5210 €
Full Stack Developer

Language skills
English B2
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Professional Summary
Candidate is a seasoned professional with an impressive 12.5 years of experience in the Software Development industry. His expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including an exceptional 12.4 years of proficiency in .Net and a remarkable 9 years of hands-on experience with Angular, where he is currently working with the latest Angular 15 version.
Candidate brings a wealth of experience in database management, demonstrating extensive capabilities with Microsoft SQL and PostgreSQL. While his exposure to Oracle is primarily through simple scripts, he is adept at leveraging it effectively when needed. In his career, candidate has actively embraced modern development practices, showcasing his skills in the implementation of Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes in one of his notable projects. His strong background in developing APIs using .Net technologies, often utilizing Entity Framework, reflects his commitment to delivering robust and scalable solutions.
Video of Talent
Tbilisi State University / Bachelor's degree, Information Technology
Sep 2007 - Jun 2011
Certifications and Trainings
Full-stack Developer / TechWings
Jan 2023 - Present
Building Web applications based on Angular 13+ and .NET 6.0.
Building Restful APIs in .NET 6.0, Integration of external APIs.
Build and Support Angular 13+ Application and .NET 6.0 APIs.
Front-End technologies: Angular 13, HTML, CSS, bootstrap
Back-End technologies: .NET 6.0, MSSQL.
Cloud technologies: Azure DevOps, Azure SQL databases, API management
Full-stack Developer / IRAO - Vienna Insurance Group
Aug 2021 - Dec 2022 (1 year 5 months)
Building Web applications based on Angular 13.0+ and .NET Core MVC as Back-end technology. Building Website on Angular
Creating HTML markup and CSS styling.
Building Restful APIs in .NET Core, Integration of external APIs.
Creating Stored procedures and functions in MS SQL Database.
Review Teammates code and deploying applications on server (Used Azure DevOps).
Full Stack Developer / Client web application for Insurance company
The software was created to purchase various types of insurance products and manage insurance policies. Booking of doctor visits and online consultations.
Angular 10 client app and .NET Core as Back-end technology, Build and Support Angular 13+ Application and .NET 6.0 APIs.
Front-End technologies: Angular 13+, HTML, CSS, bootstrap, JavaScript
Back-End technologies: .NET Core/MVC, MSSQL, MongoDB
Cloud technologies: Azure DevOps, Azure SQL databases, Azure Storage, API management
Senior Full Stack Developer (.NET) / Nugios Technology
Aug 2020 - Sep 2021 (1 year 2 months)
Building Angular 2.0+ single page applications.
Building Restful APIs in .NET Core.
Creating HTML markup and CSS styling.
Building Web applications based on .NET MVC and JavaScript for asynchronous requests.
Integration of external APIs.
Creating Stored procedures and functions in MySQL Database.
Used Dapper and Stored procedures for database mapping.
Full Stack developer / Flight and Tour management software
Web application for advanced searching flights and tours from different external services.
Front-end Developer / Hotel Management software
Web application for management hotel room bookings and prices.
As Frontend technology was used Angular 10 and .NET Core as Back-end.
Build and Support Angular, JavaScript, .NET Core and .NET MVC Web Applications.
Front-End technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Angular 2.0+.
Back-End technologies: .NET Core/MVC, MySQL, MSSQL,
Senior Software Engineer / OnePay
Jul 2014 - Jul 2020 (6 years 1 month)
Building Web applications based on .NET MVC and JavaScript for asynchronous requests.
Creating Restful API-s on .NET.
Creating Angular 2.0+ single page applications.
Used Entity framework as ORM and also SQL Stored procedures.
Creating Stored procedures and functions in PostgreSQL Database.
Building windows applications with integrated browser. used .NET Framework and HTML, CSS, Vannila JS.
Integrating Different types of Hardware Devices in windows application (Card reader, Cash receiver, Fingerprint reader).
Review Teammates code and deploying applications on server.
Front-end Developer / Automatic Contract and Agreement generator
Project Included two parts Control panel for creating and managing contract templates and Client Web site for generating contracts by entered fields.
As Frontend technology used Angular 8, Backend .NET Core Restful API, DB -PostgreSQL.
Back-end Developer / Payment Gateway
System for integration various payment services. the project works in the image of micro services. individual services could be managed independently of others.
Used Node JS to create a server application and implement service integration logic.
Full-Stack Developer / Self service kiosk software
Software for outdoor kiosks for communal or product payments.
Window application with integrated browser, used .NET Framework and HTML, CSS, Vannila JS.
Full-Stack Developer / Loan and investments management software
Software for creating, managing loans and investments, Automatic calculation of loan percent by different payment schedules and document management.
Web application. .NET core MVC, JQuery, Entity Framework. DB PostgreSQL
Build and Support Angular, JavaScript, ASP.NET, .NET Core and .NET MVC Web Applications.
Front-End technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 2.0+
Back-End technologies .NET Core/MVC, MSSQL, PostgreSQL.
System Software Developer / Georgian Railway
Jul 2011 - Apr 2014 (2 years 10 months)
Building desktop applications based on .NET Framework.
Web applications based on ASP.NET with DevExpress components.
Report forms with MS SQL Stored Procedures and Report Viewer.
Creating HTML markup and CSS styling.
Creating Stored procedures and functions in MS SQL Database.
HR and Accounting software (Windows application) for managing company stuff and their salary payments.
Cargo management software (ASP.NET with DevExpress) for managing Cargo transfers and wagon movements.
Build and Support Windows applications, .NET MVC ASP.NET Web Applications.
Back-End technologies: .NET Framework, ASP.NET, MSSQL,.
Front-End technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery