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32 €
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4600 €
Full Stack Developer

Language skills
English B2
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Professional Summary
Candidate is an experienced .NET Developer with more than 5 years of experience in designing, developing, analyzing, and implementing client-server, web, and desktop-based applications using different languages and their technologies. Capable of learning new programming languages and technologies and completing projects within specified deadlines.
Video of Talent
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University / Bachelor Degree of Computer Engineer in (English section)
Odlar Yurdu University / Master's Degree Computer Engineering Programming Education
Step IT Academy
I learned software engineering mostly Microsoft .Net technology in this academy.
Certifications and Trainings
Programming Teacher / Step IT Academy Azerbaijan
2019 - continue
I teach programming , C++,C# , SQL , ASP.Net Core , .Net Technologies
Fullstack Developer / Bits Orchestra
Full-time, Remote
Feb 2023 - Present
Baku City, Contiguous Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
Fullstack Software Engineer / WebCreek
Software Base CRM App
01/2021 – 01/2023
Technologies: ASP.NET core, Microservices, Angular 11,Azure Storage, XUnit Testing, Report Designer, MS-Sql, CosmosDB
Description: It is a big CRM App to control Bank and Insurance System
Responsibilities: Adding new features, fixing old bugs, integrate old code to new technologies. Optimise old Sql query, add new report module. Report specific data to pdf by Report Designer (i add special design to pdf)
Fullstack Software Engineer / JetSoftPro
MonitorsAnyWhere App
01/2019 – 01/2021
Technologies: ASP.NET core, Microservices, Angular 14,SignalR,Azure Blob Storage,MS-Sql
Description: Our MAWi platform is a combined hardware and software solution that allows users to push content onto multiple digital signage screens and video walls in the same or different sites, connect the screens with a variety of connectivity options and control the content from a powerful and easy to use web-based dashboard.
Responsibilities: Adding new features, fixing old bugs, integrate old code to new technologies. adding new features that is Remote Control all connected device and extended screens, all functionality about monitor control.
Fullstack Software Engineer / AmTrust Financial Services, Inc
01/2018 – 01/2019
Technologies: ASP.NET core, Microservices, Microsoft Azure, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, React, MS-Sql
Description: The main idea of this app is Web and Desktop App for Insurance CRM System
Responsibilities: Adding new features, fixing bugs, additionally optimise Sql Query and integrate it to LINQ.
Fullstack Software Engineer / Prosys MMC
E-Book App (First Project in Prosys MMC)
01/2018 – 01/2019
Technologies: ASP.NET core, Microservices, WPF, Microsoft Azure, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, Angular 9 version, MS-SQL
Description: The main idea of this app is to make education electron system for all university attenders.
Responsibilities: Adding new features, fixing bugs, creating and working with Azure functions.
Fullstack Software Engineer / E-Cinema App (Second Project in Prosys MMC)
01/2018 – 01/2019
Technologies: Ado.Net, Wpf, Xaml, Repository, IUnitOfWork, MVVM, Adapter Pattern, Material Design, OMDB Api
Description: The main idea of this app is cinema system and there is good search system, (searching by tag etc). Good filter system are made. In this project sold to the 2 cinema , they use in local system in cinema, you can select your seat, you added rating to movie, when the movie rating is high, it will add to vision by cinema,also you can select your own cinema hall etc
Responsibilities :
MSSQL Server side: Stored procedure, function implementation, query optimizations for performance, dynamic query generation, etc.
Refactoring current implementations.
Working on the provided features, tasks, bugs, etc.
Make Ado.Net system
Write MVVM,Repository,IUnitOfWork Pattern system
Write Good design in Wpf XAML
Using material design
Fullstack Software Engineer / Shaw Agent
1. Record Destruction
2. Energy Invoicing
3. ShawNonWovens
4. Connections
Technologies: ASP.NET core, Microservices, WPF, Microsoft Azure, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, Angular 15,16 version, MS-Sql
Description: I integrate old web forms project to Asp.Net core Web Api and Angular projects, and also i integrate Azure Storage, AD Group and for deployment
Responsibilities: I integrate old web forms project to Asp.Net core Web Api and Angular projects, and also i integrate Azure Storage ,AD Group and for deployment.